2012, June 19

Board of Trustees Meeting
Philo Public Library District
Box 199, 115 E. Washington St.
Philo Illinois 61864
Board Meeting Date:  Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 7:00 p.m.,
Open To the Public

I. Roll Call

II. Election of PPLD Officers

III.  Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

IV.  Officer Reports:
1. President                4.  Treasurer
2. Vice-President         5.  Ill. Heartland Rep.
3. Secretary                6.  Friends of the Library Rep.

V.  Correspondence and Communication: IH Notified of Cataloging Option Selection

VI.  Committee Reports:
1. Technology                4. Automation
2. Landscape                5.  Personnel: Megan Rawley Hired
3. Memorial: J. L. Still $1,282.50

VII.  Director Report
1. Per Capita Review of State Grants & Supplemental Taxes
2. May Statistics
3. Touch Up Paint
4. Removing “Something About the Author”

VIII.  Assistant Director Report
1. Summer Activities & Reading Program

IX.  Children’s Librarian Report
1. Summer Activities & Reading Program

X.  Continuing & Unfinished Business:
1. Comp Time Considerations
2. Library’s 50th Anniversary Activities

XI. New Business
1. Staff Contracts for New Fiscal Year
(Attorney Kenneth Beth will not attend, but sending items for Board approval)
2. Board Meeting Dates 2012-2013 Ordinance
3. Maintenance Tax Ordinance
4. Prevailing Wage Ordinance
5. Consideration of Next Years Budget and Levy