2015, May 19

Board of Trustees Meeting
Philo Public Library District
Box 199, 115 E. Washington St.
Philo, Illinois 61864

(217) 684-2896 Fax (217) 684-2719
Date: Tuesday, May 19 , 2015 Time: 7:00 p.m., at Philo Library

I. Roll Call
II. Swearing In of Elected Board Members
III. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
IV. Officer Reports:
1. President                      4. Treasurer
2. Vice-President              5. Illinois Heartland Rep.
3. Secretary                      6. Friends of the Library Rep-Jan Causey

V. Correspondence and Communication:

VI. Committee Reports:

1. Technology
2. Landscape-Volunteer Day, Mulching
3. Personnel

VII. Director’s Report

VIII. Assistant Director’s Report

IX. Children’s Librarian Report
X. Continuing & Unfinished Business:

XI. New Business

This meeting is open to the public
Posted 5 p.m. May 17, 2015 dp