2013, Feb. 19

Board of Trustees Meeting
Philo Public Library District
Box 199, 115 E. Washington St.
Philo Illinois 61864
(217) 684-2896   (217) 684-2719
7:00 PM  Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Meeting Is Open To the Public

I. Roll Call

II. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

III. Officer Reports:
1.  President                        4.  Treasurer
2.  Vice-President                 5.  Illinois Heartland Rep.
3.  Secretary                        6.  Friends of the Library Rep.

IV. Correspondence and Communication:

V. Committee Reports:
1.  Technology                        4.  Automation
2.  Landscape                        5.  Personnel: Bailey Leaving In April;
3.  Memorial                                    & Sue On Vacation Now.

VI. Director Report
1. Tax Forms Arriving Slowly             4. IH / Polaris Data Testing
2. January Statistics
3.  IH / Polaris Staff Training

VII. Assistant Director Report
1. Children’s Spring Programming
VIII. Children’s Librarian Report
1. Children’s Spring Programing

IX. Continuing & Unfinished Business:
1. Board Economic Interest Statements Due Before May 1st
2. PPLD Submitted State Certification

X. New Business:
1. Update Board Info: Address, Phones, emails
2. Renewing Yearly Membership in Large Print Rotating Collection
3.  Consider New Part Time Staff Position
4.  Megan’s Staff Key to President
Posted 1:00 PM, 2/16/2013