2014, July 16

Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Philo Public Library District
115 E. Washington Street, PO Box 199
Philo, Illinois 61864
Date of Meeting: July 16, 2014

Note: This Meeting is Open to the Public
I. Roll Call

II. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

III. Reports
a. Officers Reports
1.President                          4. Treasurer
2.Vice-President                  5. Illinois Heartland Representative
3.Secretary                         6. Friends of the Library Representative
b. Director’s Reports
1. July 24 training in Kankakee
2. circulation statistics
3. work plan
4. paper/cardboard recycling
c. Committee Reports
1. Technology                            4. Personnel
2. Landscape                            5. Other
3. Memorial

IV. Correspondence and Communications

V. Continuing and Unfinished Business
a. Staff Contracts
b. Overtime pay for extra off-desk hours

VI. New Business
a. Credit card for online ordering.
b. Budget for new fiscal year.
c. Inclement weather delay opening
d. Staff work schedule
e. Cross training needed for maintenance of lights