2018, Sept 18
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Philo Public Library District
115 E. Washington St., P. O. Box 199
Philo, Illinois 61864
Date of Meeting: Sept. 18, 2018. Time: 7 p.m. Meeting Is Open to the Public
Public Hearing on Budget and Appropriations Ordinance
1. Public Comment on Budget and Appropriations Ordinance
Meeting of Board of Trustees
I. Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
III. Vote on Budget and Appropriations Ordinance
IV. Officer Reports:
1. President 4. Treasurer
2. Vice-President 5. Illinois Heartland Representative
3. Secretary 6. Friends of the Library Representative
V. Correspondence and Communications:
VI. Committee Reports:
1. Technology 4. Personnel:
2. Landscape 5. Other
3. Memorial
VII. Director’s Report
1. August Circulation statistics
2. IPLAR submitted online, 8/31/2018
VIII. Assistant Director’s Report:
IX. Children’s Librarian Report:
X. Continuing & Unfinished Business
1. AC replacement bids
2. Repair to front column
XI. New Business
posted: September 16, 2018 dp