2013 Nov. 12

Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Philo Public Library District
115 E. Washington St., P. O. Box 199
Philo, Illinois 61864
Date of Meeting: Nov. 12, 2013, Meeting Is Open to the Public

I.  Roll Call

II. Session with Attorney Kenneth Beth
1. Annual Tax Levy Ordinance
2.  Certification of Ordinance
3.  Certification of Compliance

III. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

IV. Officer Reports:
1. President                       4. Treasurer
2. Vice-President               5. Illinois Heartland Representative
3. Secretary                      6. Friends of the Library Representative

V. Correspondence and Communications

VI. Committee Reports:
1. Technology: Thanks Walt, Fixed Fax        4. Personnel
2. Landscape
3. Memorial

VII. Director’s Report
1. YTD Materials Spending Update
2. October Statistics

VIII. Assistant Director’s Report:
1. LP Rotating Update
2. Family Reading Night & Holiday Decoration Workshop

IX. Children’s Librarian Report:
1. Fall Activities/Family Reading Night & Holiday Workshop
2. New Student Bookmark

X. Continuing & Unfinished Business
1. Laminator: No Response On Future Maintenance

XI. New Business
1. 3M Cloud eBook Membership Considerations ($399.74 fee)
2. Reminder: Next Board Meeting 1-21-14
3. Thanks Mary, Chair Re-Covered

Posted:11-09-13, 2PM