2013, April 16

Board of Trustees Meeting
Philo Public Library District
Box 199, 115 E. Washington St.
Philo Illinois 61864
(217) 684-2896
(217) 684-2719
Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Time:     7:00 p.m., Philo Library

Meeting Is Open To The Public

I. Roll Call

II. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

III. Officer Reports:
1.  President                4. Treasurer
2. Vice-President          5. Illinois Heartland Rep.
3.  Secretary                6. Friends of the Lib Rep

IV. Correspondence and Comm: Co. Clk’s Letter RE Tax Caps,
K. Beth Handled It

V. Committee Reports:
1. Technology                4. Personnel: Don Vacation Hrs Late April
2. Landscape                 5. Other
3. Memorial:

VI. Director Report
1. New SHARE Polaris Computer Installed
2. National Library Week
3. March Statistics
4. Tracking Library Visitors and Reference Questions For a Week
5. Donations: $50 Brian Meharry; $100 C-U Herb Society
6. “Awarded” (not yet arrived) Per Capita Grant of $2,008.03

VII. Assistant Director Report
1. Juvenile Programs

VIII. Assistant Librarian Report
1. Children Programs
2. Raymond Bial Coming To Student Talk at PPLD

IX. Continuing & Unfinished Business:
1. Consider Search for Part Time Staff Member
2. ALA Annual Membership Renewal
3. Renew/Sign ILLINET/OCLC Yearly Contract

X. New Business
1. Continueing Lawn Care with CJ Decker
2. Plan To Set September Board Meeting for 9-24-13